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Dr Chris Day MCIEH CEnvH


The services of Day Associates can be engaged to assist organisations engaged in food safety and infectious diease control - whether working in the public or private sector - to ensure the relevance and accuracy of the material they make available through their web-sites, guidance offered directly to businesses and clients, and information supplied for educational purposes.


After months of disruption caused by COVID-19, and the prospect that the recovery to the so-called 'new normal' will be slow, there is good reason to look afresh at the risks and control measures associated with food, and especially those which will come under scrutiny as we near the end of the Brexit 'transition period', not least 'official controls' and the provisions of OCR 2017.


How this will pan out in the medium- and long-term is difficult to predict. However, as food businesses and their customers emerge from the coronavirus, we see value in examining the hazards and controls sidelined since mid-March to be considered afresh. The first and most important task in this refamilarisation process must be to explain why this is important not just how  be accomplished.


Text will be closely scrutinised for relevance and factual accuracy, where necessary re-editing or re-drafting documents, recommending improvements to their presentation, and providing a commentary report on the changes made. 


With experience of working in enforcement, education and research, Principal, Chris Day, is also available to present 'briefings' to your organisation through seminar / workshop sessions, stimulating discussion around the management of food safey risk, infection control and risk-based enforcement practice, and gently challenging practitioners to take a step back and re-examine the hazards from first principles.




Telephone: Office: 01304 617755; Moble: 07535 077411
Researching the 'evidence' for  intervention based on risk
Presenting CPD seminar / workshop days on risk

Our Services to Environmental Health

Reviewing the content and design of your documents
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